Nadeem Khan
Nadeem lives in Murphy TX, with his beautiful wife, two teenage boys, one cat along with four cockatiels, and three finches (all of his pets are rescued from either shelters or non-pet-friendly situations). After 27 years of extensive experience in successfully managing a multi-million dollar client base in diverse cultural and religious demographics. Nadeem decided to change his career and use his vast sales and client portfolio management experience and started his new profession as a Commercial and Residential Realtor.
He volunteers countless hours a week with nonprofit organizations and has done so far for the past 11 years in different capacities. He can speak Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, and Pashto. Other philanthropic outreaches include pro bono business consulting for struggling small businesses to thrive and become successful. He recently started his second two years term serving as a member of Murphy City Development Corporation (2019-2020, 2021-2022).
Nadeem has a passion for serving clients and creating an amazing Client Service Experience.